10 Terrifying Horror Movie Deaths You Don't Remember

6. Claire - Cult Of Chucky

Green Inferno
Universal Pictures

Following reboot-turned-sequel Curse of Chucky, 2017's Cult of Chucky picks things up with Fiona Dourif's Nica locked up in a mental hospital after being framed for the murder of her entire family. Of course, those murders occurred thanks to the infamous Chucky, but regardless, nobody believes Nica's claims that the sinister Good Guy doll was responsible for this carnage.

Elsewhere, Andy Barclay - the protagonist of the first three Child's Play offerings - has his own war still raging with Chucky, and this eventually leads to him infiltrating said mental institution to assist Nica. As is ever the case with this beloved horror franchise, the dead bodies soon start to pile up as Chucky - well, Chuckies - run rampant within the confines of the hospital that houses Nica.

One such unfortunate soul to face the wrath of Charles Lee Ray, is Grace Lynn Kung's Claire.

When Claire ends up bitten by one of the various Chucky dolls of the picture, the corrupt doctors of the piece decide to strap her to a bed and subdue her. Unfortunately, once these quacks leave the room, Chucky steps up to fire a can of compressed oxygen into the glass window pane that's above Claire.

The sight of multiple shards of glass landing in Claire's body - including ultimately decapitating her - would be a gross one in usual circumstances, but adding to the disturbing nature of this is that it's all shown in glorious, gruesome slow motion.

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Senior Writer

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