10 Terrifying Horror Movie Monsters (You Never See Kill)
1. Regan - The Exorcist

One of the most iconic horror characters of all time is one who you never actually see kill. That's because the power of the possessed Regan in the Exorcist - otherwise known as the demon Pazuzu - isn't in the kill count, but the torment of the young girl and everyone around her.
Now, this isn't to say that Regan is totally toothless. It's suggested that she's responsible for at least two deaths, including Father Merrin who's found dead in her room, but part of what makes that so scary is you never see it. You only see the aftermath, and the joy she takes in his death.
For the most part, director William Friedkin lets the audience's minds run wild thinking about what she's up to when the camera isn't on her.
The Exorcist isn't afraid to get gory, but it crucially knows when to leave things to suggestion, and that's partly why it continues to hold such horror to this day.
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