10 Terrifying Movie Monsters You Could Easily Beat

8. The Invaders From Signs

aliien signs
Touchstone Pictures

Signs is a movie with a fantastic build-up and surprisingly weak payoff. Throughout a suspenseful narrative where audiences are giving glimpses of the Alien invaders, it's not until later in the film we get our first full look at the extraterrestrials.

Through grainy camera footage, one suddenly walks by and there wasn't a single person in the theatre who didn't jump in fright. A huge ripped humanoid with dark features, clawed hands that shoot poison gas and chameleonic skin is a frightening prospect to have to face.

That is until M. Night Shyamalan then went out of his way to make them some of the weakest bad guys to ever grace a cinema screen. For starters, for beings that have mastered spaceflight, they are incredibly dumb and struggle to open doors. One even gets trapped in a pantry for much of the film's runtime which is set over days.

Then you have to take into account that they are hurt by water. That's right, these aliens attempted to invade a planet that is 71% the thing that can kill them. You could spit in their face and it would act as a natural pepper spray.

At the end of the film, one Alien gets taken out by 1 man with a baseball bat and a glass of H2O with zero resistance. If you got a fire hose you could probably take out the entire fleet single-handedly.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.