10 Terrifying Sci-Fi Horror Movie Monsters With Very Little Screen Time

2. The Chimera Bear - Annihilation

The Bear Annihilation
Paramount Pictures

Due to its powerful lead cast, compelling mystery, thought-compelling plot, and striking imagery, Annihilation didn't deserve to bomb at the box office.

Another reason why Alex Garland's cosmic horror should've been a hit, is because it has some of the most spine-tingling visuals put to film in recent years. Although Annihilation's intestine creature and albino crocodile are messed up, nothing is as nightmare-inducing as the picture's mutant bear.

After Natalie Portman's Lena and her fellow scientists venture into a mysterious terrain called the Shimmer, they notice the animals in the area are merging. Once Lena's friend Cass is killed by a bear, the three remaining scientists hide in a nearby cabin.

As the grizzly burst in, Cass's DNA has already bonded with it - her skull and teeth having fused to the creature's face - and as petrifying as this chimera looks, how it sounds is so much worse. 

Each time the bear opens its mouth, it emulates the sound of Cass' death-cry. Frozen with fear, all the trio can do is stare helplessly while the monstrosity screams in their dead friend's voice over and over.


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