10 Terrifying War Horror Movies You Need To See
7. Overlord

J.J. Abrams produced this big and brash Second World War horror effort about a band of American soldiers who uncover sinister secret Nazi experiments after being dropped behind enemy lines the day before D-Day.
Essentially a cross between Saving Private Ryan and John Carpenter’s The Thing, Overload opens with a stunningly realised parachute drop sequence before descending into pulpy sci-fi territory with a tale about sadistic Nazi’s and their attempts at creating super soldiers.
A heady blend of state-of-the-art computer graphics and good-old fashioned practical special effects, the monstrous Nazi “supermen” are terrifyingly realised, while the film zips along at a good pace with Australian director Julius Avery crafting a tale that brilliantly balances scares and thrills with aplomb.
At times, it almost has the feel of a Commando comic, with the merry band of soldiers fighting back against shady doctors and psychotic SS officers, planting bombs, rescuing young children and machine-gunning a few mutant monsters for good measure.
The impressive on-screen gore adds a little shock value to the scares while the experience is anchored by a charismatic central turn from Wyatt Russell, the son of Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn.