10 Things About The DC Movie Universe That Make No Sense

7. Clark Kent's Disguise In The 21st Century

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Deadshot
Warner Bros.

Robin's Zoro-style mask is rubbish. It covers like five percent of his face - how does that even pass as a disguise?

Say what you will about Dick Grayson's wardrobe choice, it's much better at keeping his secret identity intact than Clark Kent's attempt at anonymity, and it's ludicrous that Man of Steel attempted to keep up the pretence on this one.

Putting on a pair of glasses does not change the fact that Clark is Superman's mirror image, and this is a leap of faith DC fans have been happy to take in the past, but in the Zack Snyder movie, it's harder to suspend the disbelief.

Not only is Man of Steel begging you to take it seriously throughout, it's set in the modern world, an age of 24-hour surveillance, 50-megapixel phone cameras and YouTube. There'd be too much scrutiny around Superman for the likeness to go unnoticed.

What else could Snyder have done here? He couldn't have put a mask on Superman since the fans would never stand for that, but since the movie went with such a grounded tone, it's much harder to overlook issues like this.


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