10 Things Batman Movies Have Never Gotten Right About The Dark Knight

7. His Rogues Gallery

Batman Christian Bale
DC Comics/Bruce Timm

Outside of the Joker, it's probably fair to say that not many of Batman's Rogues Gallery have been done justice on the big screen. Those that have can be counted one hand.

Batman and Robin gave audiences a Mister Freeze utterly lacking the intellect and nuance of the comic book character, Batman Forever a Riddler that was closer to the Clown Prince of Crime than master of enigmas, and Batman Returns a Penguin that literally acted like a penguin as opposed to being a gentleman criminal - just to give a few examples.

It's a real shame, as most of the other villains in Batman's Rogues Gallery are arguably more interesting than Joker. Thankfully though, Matt Reeves' The Batman seems set to remedy this issue, bringing both Edward Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot to the big screen in the near future.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!