10 Things You Didn't Know About Ghostbusters

7. A Ghostbusters Puppet Ended Up In Fright Night

Remember that scene at the beginning of the movie, when the ghostly librarian transforms into a vile and terrible ghoul? That was arguably one of the most surprising (and terrifying) moments in the movie€ but it could have been a whole lot worse. The original transformation had the librarian turn into a similarly demonic creature which was deemed just too scary to use - especially considering that Ghostbusters was supposed to be a family film. The puppet that was created was deemed to be absolutely terrifying and was quickly replaced with the terrifying banshee we all recognise. But the puppet originally created for this scene was still put to good use. After all, nothing ever goes to waste in Hollywood. The demonic puppet eventually ended up on film, but it definitely wasn't rated PG. Seen in the 1985 horror flick Fright Night, it was used to depict the climactic battle with everyone's not-so-friendly neighbourhood vampire. Exposed to sunlight, we see the flesh literally burn from his bones. Let€™s just say it€™s obvious why this wasn't used in Ghostbusters.
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Ryan Leston is a film writer, journalist and geek from Cardiff, United Kingdom. He's a huge Star Wars fan and loves almost all comic book movies... except for Green Lantern. Oh and he loves video games too.