10 Things You Didn't Know About Ghostbusters

4. The Ghosbusters TV Advert Was Real

Everyone remembers the cheesy TV advert that the Ghostbusters produced in order to drum up business. And while Ray Stantz was obviously getting into the swing of things, it's Peter Venkman's face that says it all. But did you know that the legendary ad was actually run on American television? Long before viral marketing even existed, Ghostbusters made use of this ingenious marketing ploy to garner interest for their movie, and give Ghostbuster fans a glimpse into the world of a paranormal-infested New York City. And apparently, it went down a treat. After filming the iconic TV advert (which is seen on Dana€™s TV during the movie) the 555 number was changed to a 1-800 number and the advert was released into the wild on American television. Calling the number gave you access to a pre-recorded message by Dan Aykroyd and Bill Murray. It was called over 1000 times an hour, 24 hours a day for six whole weeks. Who knew Ghostbusting would be so popular?
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Ryan Leston is a film writer, journalist and geek from Cardiff, United Kingdom. He's a huge Star Wars fan and loves almost all comic book movies... except for Green Lantern. Oh and he loves video games too.