10 Things You Don't Want To Admit About The Marvel Cinematic Universe

2. Superhero Overkill Is Highly Likely

Already Marvel has been putting out a film or two every year, ever since the wild success of Iron Man in 2008. According to the big event they put on in New York the other week, they€™ve got plans to continue that pattern right up through the next decade, eventually culminating in a third Avengers film - Infinity War - split up into two parts, like its the adaptation of a final young adult novel or something. That came hot on the heels of the announcement that Warner Bros would be doing much the same with their stable of DC superheroes, launching their own cinematic universe with 2016€™s Batman v Superman. That€™s pretty ballsy on both studios€™ parts. They€™re expecting that people will still be wanting to watch these superhero films for the next ten years, to the point that they€™re essentially betting their entire businesses on them. Trends change frequently and radically in cinema, and when audiences are being essentially buried by an avalanche of superhero films. Who's to say we€™re not going to be totally over them, with an oversaturated market and diminishing returns of quality, by the time Inhumans comes out?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/