10 Things You Don't Want To Admit About The Marvel Cinematic Universe

3. Something Corporate

Sometimes it can seem like Marvel is making movies just for the fans. After a good half century of building up an audience with their stellar superhero comics, they€™re now giving them the gift of seeing those stories and characters translated to the big screen. Seriously, they€™re doing us all a favour, right? Avengers is like a few thousand people€™s childhood dream come to life. They managed to cast all their heroes perfectly. They hire really interesting, strange and nerd-friendly directors and writers to handle their projects. What a great, creative, charitable bunch! Marvel Studios is a business. They€™re owned by Disney, one of the largest entertainment organisations in the world. All of their work is a money-driven engagement with western capitalism, designed to have you empty your wallets. And if you€™re fine with that - and, really, the large majority of us are - that€™s cool! Enjoy the thing! But never forget that the primary driving force behind what they do. That€™s why Edgar Wright got chucked off of Ant-Man because he tried to do something different, why they have a set €œlook€ for all their films, and why Benedict Cumberbatch got cast as Doctor Strange instead of someone more interesting.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/