10 Things You Don't Want To Admit About The Marvel Cinematic Universe

9. Almost All The Villains Suck

One of the most significant ongoing problems with Marvel movies are their antagonists. The heroes are mostly well drawn and distinct, aided by some smart screenwriting and the casting of some genuinely interesting and brave actors in the roles. Robert Downey Jr€™s Tony Stark is charming and asshole-ish, Chris Hemsworth€™s Thor is entertaining in his godliness and arrogance, and Chris Evans does such a good job as the patriotic superman out of time that audiences promptly forgot that he was in the Fantastic Four movies too. People tend to have less time for the villains. Loki has proved to be a worthy adversary for basically the whole MCU, but he€™s an exception to the rule: every Iron Man film so far has had an almost identical corporate douche as the villain, the second Thor wasted Christopher Eccleston on a mostly mediocre bad guy, with Lee Pace receiving similar treatment when he was cast as Generic Supervillain #4 in Guardians Of The Galaxy. Even Robert Redford in the second Cap film was sort of dull. Shouldn't colourful characters have appropriately interesting adversaries?

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/