10 Things You Don't Want To Admit About The Marvel Cinematic Universe

8. There€™s No Peril

In the source material the Marvel Cinematic Universe draws upon there€™s a much-maligned concept called Comic Book Death. The unfortunate trope carries the truism that any time a character is killed off in a superhero comic, it€™s rarely (if ever) permanent: any major character that kicked the bucket will be resurrected thanks to magic, a universe reset, or some other ridiculous jiggery pokery. There€™s yet to be any of that in the MCU so far - unless SPOILERS Bucky counts in The Winter Soldier - but they arguably have something much worse. It€™s a matter of public record that almost all of the heavy hitters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have signed, like, ridiculous contracts. Dozen picture deals and the like. They€™re mostly locked in to star in Marvel movies right up through the next decade or so, with the recent announcement of the company€™s slate of films due out until 2020 all adding to the general issue that there€™s no real sense of threat. None of these characters are going to die, and audiences know that. Obviously no cinematic hero is ever really in any peril, but it€™d be nice to at least pay the concept lip service.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/