10 Things You Don't Want To Admit About The Marvel Cinematic Universe

6. Black Widow Needs Her Own Film

It€™s something that fans have been clamouring for ever since his introduction in Iron Man 2 (surely a high point of an otherwise patchy film), and yet Natasha Romanoff has still yet to be blessed with her own headlining movie spot. Scarlett Johansson has proved that she can handle a blockbuster action flick with Luc Besson€™s Lucy, which smashed box office records whilst showing a wilful disregard for how the human brain works. Widow stole the show during her appearances in Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, too. So what€™s the hold up? Originally it was suggested that the reason Marvel were reluctant to put her up in her own film was due to her being a woman, but Lucy has proven that to be a complete fallacy. Apparently they tried for a Black Widow film at the very advent of the MCU, but for some reason binned it. Surely that doesn€™t preclude them from giving it another go, though, especially when the rich past of a former KGB assassin-turned-US spy is the sort of thing better spy films would kill for. And yet, nowhere to be seen on that upcoming Phase Three list.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/