10 Things Everyone Gets Wrong About Famous Movies

7. The Infected Humans In 28 Days Later Are Zombies

28 Days Later Even though it's become standard procedure to include it in the zombie film category, most people seem to overlook the simple fact that Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later isn't actually a zombie movie. At all. It does, in actuality, have more in common with films like Outbreak and Contagion than it does with horror flicks such as Dawn of the Dead or Resident Evil. Despite that, though, 28 Days Later almost always finds itself shoe-horned and billed as a zombie venture. Why isn't it a zombie movie, you ask? Well, on a fundamental level, zombies are almost always dead - in 28 Days Later, the infected are exactly that: infected. They're imbued with a virus that forces them to act super aggressively, and that's it. There's nothing zombie about it. Another point to make is that zombies weren't "fast" until this movie popularised the notion, a feature that was incorporated into Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead remake. But 28 Days Later is a plague-based movie about an epidemic, and bears no real comparison to any pre-existing zombie flick.

All-round pop culture obsessive.