10 Things Fanboys Won't Accept About 2016 Movies

9. Wolverine's Cameo Was Completely Unnecessary

Deadpool Colossus

Hugh Jackman's Wolverine is the linchpin of the X-Men franchise, a character everyone loves, portrayed perfectly and with more comic book movie appearances than any other character (probably).

The belief now seems to be that an X-Men film cannot exist without a Wolverine cameo and though the excellent appearance from Logan in X-Men: First Class went down a treat, this years funky headgear-sporting Logan from X-Men: Apocalypse went down like an adamantium balloon.

Not only did the cameo make no sense in terms of the timeline set out by X-Men: Days of Future Past, it came out of nowhere and meant absolutely nothing to the overall story. In fact it just added even more confusion to the already chaotic film series. Why do Jean Grey and Cyclops not remember that they've seen Logan before? Not only this, but the sequence ends with a bizarre shot of Logan running away that lingers for so long that it becomes oddly uncomfortable.

Still, there are those who still believe this cameo was a smash hit rather than the forced Wolverine-adding quota that it clearly was.


Film Fanatic. Movie Maniac. Cockney Critic. Asserting his opinion wherever he goes, whether it is warranted or not.