10 Things Fans Hated About Star Wars: The Last Jedi

4. The Knights Of Ren Are Forgotten

Star Wars Knights Of Ren.jpg

Initially mentioned by Snoke in The Force Awakens and even seen by Rey in her vision, the Knights of Ren are nowhere to be seen in The Last Jedi, much to the chagrin of Kylo fans.

Weirdly, Ren actually mentions them in one of his dialogue excerpts in Star Wars Battlefront 2, stating “the Knights of Ren come for you”, confirming that they did exist in the canon, and weren’t a throwaway creation on behalf of JJ Abrams.

Still, the nearest thing we get in the new film is Luke mentioning that he had “other students” that left after Kylo’s uprising, but are these the Knights of Ren?

Even with the far-reaching, plot-extracting tendrils of the Star Wars fanbase, we have no idea.

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