10 Things Fans Hated About Star Wars: The Last Jedi

3. Leia Poppins

Star Wars The Force Awakens Princess Leia

Rian Johnson has repeatedly stated that despite Carrie Fisher passing away during filming, her role did not change. So with that in mind, the dumbfounding “Leia flies through space”, “recovery scene”, was always in the script?

Let’s be clear - Leia using the force, on paper is a damn cool thing. We’ve known she was force-sensitive since hearing Luke’s thoughts in Empire Strikes Back, but to showcase something more visual in this way has split the fanbase right down the middle.

On the one hand, Leia is literally shown to be this almost angelic figure, elegantly gliding back to her ship in one glorious, epically scored motion.

On the other… it just looked terrible. Many theatres have reportedly laughed when the camera cuts to a wider angle, showing a Leia in motion that’s more reminiscent of Superman than anything that belongs in Star Wars.

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