10 Things We Only Fear Because Of The Movies

7. Gymnastics

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Gymnastics is a sport known for the occasional injury, but there's something about this scene in Final Destination 5 which just makes me wince with terror. When the Final Destination franchise began in 2000, it astounded its audiences with a whole host of horrific death scenes, ranging from a woman being hit by a bus to a guy being strangled in the shower by the curtain wire. These deaths, however, continued to get more and more horrific as the franchise progressed. Final Destination 5 begins with Sam Lawton and his friends beginning their trip to a company retreat. As is typical with the franchise, of course, Sam has a premonition that the bridge will collapse, consequently killing himself and his pals. Terrified by his premonition, Sam urges his friends to escape the bridge, therefore "cheating death." But Death isn't having any of it and so, one by one, Sam and his friends are targeted in cruel and gut-wrenching ways. And in this case, the specific scene which has us running from the balance beam faster than ever involves Candice, one of Sam's colleagues who heads to gymnastics practice with her boyfriend, resulting in her falling off the bars on which she was practicing, and snapping her spine. It's safe to say I'll never do a forward roll again.

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.