10 Things We Only Fear Because Of The Movies

6. Swimming Pools

Thefinaldestination Hunt Death Most people would think nothing of stripping down to their bathing suit and jumping into a nice, cold pool. But you might not feel the same way if you've seen Final Destination 4. Yes, it's another not so scary occurrence that the Final Destination franchise has made me think twice about. Whilst sitting at a race track, waiting for the event to start, Nick O'Bannon has a premonition that one of the stands at the arena is going to collapse as a result of a car crashing into it. Quickly, Nick gathers his friends and persuades them to evacuate the stadium just moments before the arena does indeed collapse, leaving Death to find other ways to kill his chosen victims. Days after the event, one of Nick's friends, Hunt, decides to go for a dip in the local pool. Whilst on the phone to a girl he is trying to hook up with, a child decides to annoy Hunt by squirting him with a water gun, but Hunt takes the gun from the child and places it on the drain at the bottom of the pool, triggering the on/off switch, which causes the pool to start draining. Hunt then notices that his "lucky coin" has been knocked into the pool and dives to the bottom to get it and has the misfortune of getting stuck to the drain. He struggles and struggles but eventually the drain explodes, killing Hunt in the process. Just another fun thing we won't be doing anymore thanks to the movies.

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.