10 Things We Only Fear Because Of The Movies

5. Phone Calls

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So we've already had a number of mundane situations that we've scribbled out of our diaries just in case they turn into instances of sheer terror, but what else can't we do? That's right. No more answering the phone. What is it with phone calls in horror films? Well, for one our fear is amplified a thousand times because our scary antagonist is totally anonymous. Numerous films have used the phone call trick, of course, the most famous example of which probably occurs in Wes Craven's meta-horror classic Scream, in which Casey - played by Drew Barrymore - is home alone just making herself some popcorn when the phone rings. When she answers, she is met with a creepy voice on the other end of the line who wants to play a not so nice movie trivia game about horror flicks. Unfortunately, Ghostface decides that Casey has not won the game and consequently she ends up gutted and hanging from the tree in her backyard. Moral of the story? Never pick up the phone.

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.