10 Things We Only Fear Because Of The Movies

4. Scarecrows

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One cold winter's night, just after the release of Jeepers Creepers, my friends and I decided that this would be a good film to watch at a sleepover. We were 10, and up until this point, our experience with horror films had probably been quite limited. Although I believe I watched most of the film behind a cushion, this horrible, horrible motion picture has given me a life-long fear of scarecrows. Had Jeepers Creepers not come into our lives, I'm certain that nobody would freak out over a bundle of straw propped up in a field. But what if it's not just straw? What if it's a flesh-eating monster? As Trish and her brother Darry drive home from college along an isolated country road, they are surprised and confused to see what looks like a man tipping bodies into a hole in the ground. In typical horror movie fashion, Darry decides that the pair should investigate, the conclusion of which leads them into both being killed by a monster.

Currently studying German with Dutch, big passion for music, movies and coffee.