10 Things In Batman Movies That Make No Sense

7. Bruce Wayne Is A Billionaire But The Batsuit Still Sucks

Batman 1989
Warner Bros.

One of Bruce Wayne's most common attributes across Batman media is that he's filthy stinking rich. This only makes it weirder that there are several obvious design flaws in the Batsuit which, with his vast resources, Bruce could easily solve.

In the Tim Burton movies, Batman's cowl is built into the main bulk of the Batsuit, meaning that Bruce - or rather, Michael Keaton - has incredibly limited head mobility.

In addition to being mightily annoying for Keaton, it also massively limited Batman's tactical mobility. Above all else, forcing Batman to turn his entire body along with his head just made him look rather silly.

This was amusingly addressed in The Dark Knight, when Bruce asks Lucius (Morgan Freeman) to modify the suit so he can turn his head, though the Nolan movies also presented their own bizarre Batsuit failing.

First and foremost, in order to disguise his voice and protect his identity, Batman simply speaks in a much-parodied husky drawl, despite clearly possessing the resources to develop a simple voice modulator.

Bruce has all this tech and yet he forces himself to continually strain his vocal cords every time he speaks, risking strep throat every day of his life in the process.

Ironically, this is one of the few things that Batman v Superman actually got right about Batman (Ben Affleck): his suit was fitted with a badass voice modulator which makes so much more sense than Bruce just grunting himself into anonymity.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.