10 Things In Batman Movies That Make No Sense

6. Batgirl's American Accent - Batman & Robin

Batman 1989
Warner Bros. Pictures

Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin is easily the worst Batman movie ever made and hopefully the worst that fans will ever have to suffer through.

Among its many negatives is Alicia Silverstone's risible, Razzie-winning performance as Barbara Gordon aka Batgirl. In addition to being painfully miscast, what's especially odd about her performance is the total lack of an English accent.

It's established in the film that Barbara is Alfred Pennyworth's (Michael Gough) niece and has lived in England her entire life, yet when she shows up in the U.S. during the movie - while still wearing her boarding school uniform, for reasons - she improbably speaks with Silverstone's natural American accent.

This is even odder when you consider that Silverstone herself was born to British parents, and yet she makes no attempt to suggest she's actually related to the very English Alfred.

It's ultimately just one of the many questionable things about Batman & Robin, and demonstrates just how little thought was put into the movie as a whole.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.