10 Things In Batman Movies That Make No Sense

3. Bruce Wayne Goes Bankrupt - The Dark Knight Rises

Batman 1989
Warner Bros. Pictures

Even more ridiculous than Batman wasting time making pyromaniac art or showing his face in Florence in The Dark Knight Rises is the bizarre sequence where Bruce is left bankrupt after Bane conducts a number of transactions on the Gotham Stock Exchange using his fingerprints.

Except, anyone with even the vaguest knowledge of how stocks work knows that, in the event of a terrorist attack on an exchange, trades will be immediately frozen and in the unlikely event of a fraudulent transaction, everything will be quickly reversed.

And yet, the movie treats Bane's insanely convoluted plan as totally believable, that a billionaire could be drained of all their funds in one fell swoop.

Are we to believe that even if Bane's attack succeeded, Bruce didn't have money put away in secret offshore accounts?

But let's not ignore the most nonsensical aspect of the entire sequence - the power company shutting off Wayne Manor's electricity the very next day without even sending him a couple of warning letters. Ludicrous.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.