10 Things In Batman Movies That Make No Sense

2. "Martha!" - Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman 1989
Warner Bros. Pictures

Batman v Superman was an intensely disappointing film for myriad reasons, and by far its most-ridiculed scene occurs during the conclusion to the titular battle.

Just as Batman prepares to murder Superman (Henry Cavill) with a Kryptonite spear, he's stopped in his tracks when the Man of Steel shouts out the name of his own kidnapped mother, Martha (Diane Lane).

This gives Bruce a moment for pause as he considers his own mother, also named Martha, and comes to realise that, yes, Superman isn't some empathy-devoid alien, but a living thing with a mother like anyone else.

It's not a terrible idea in theory, albeit one clunkily executed, particularly when Superman refers to his mother as "Martha" rather than "my mom," in a contrived screenwriting attempt to forge a link between the two warring superheroes.

Some fans have tried to argue that Superman said Martha in order to help Batman narrow his search, but ultimately it's just a first-class reach to try and cover up awkward storytelling.

Were it better written and directed, this scene could've been one of the movie's best moments, but instead it's a lightning rod for everything fans hate about the film.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.