10 Things Marvel Fans Don't Want To Accept About Sony's Marvel Universe

8. It's Miles Morales' Time To Shine

Spider-Man 3 Venom
Marvel Comics

For many fans, Peter Parker will always be the one, true Spider-Man. That's absolutely fine, and easy enough to understand. However, Miles Morales' profile is definitely increasing as the star of both the Oscar-winning Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse and the upcoming Spider-Man: Miles Morales video game on PlayStation.

If Spidey is going to be part of the "SPUMC," then the prevailing opinion seems to be that it should be Tom Holland's wall-crawler who swings into everything from the Kraven the Hunter movie to the Silk TV series that's reportedly in the works.

However, there's absolutely no reason that the spotlight can't now be moved to Miles in a live-action setting both in this shared world and the Marvel Cinematic Universe for that matter. Peter has been the focus of three solo franchises, so if Sony's version of the Marvel Universe is going to have its own Spider-Man, then it should be this one.

For starters, it opens the doors to a tonne of new storytelling possibilities, while also bringing even more much-needed diversity to the superhero movie genre.

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