10 Things Marvel Fans Don't Want To Accept About The MCU

4. There Tends To Be A Lack Of Real Stakes

Iron Man Doctor Strange Infinity War
Marvel Studios

It's incredible that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been around this long and that there's no end in sight. Quite honestly, the longer it goes on, the better, but there's also a real issue with that most fans aren't willing to admit while talking about these Marvel Studios movies.

These heroes have overcome the odds on so many occasions that it no longer feels like they're at risk. Sure, it was shocking when Gamora was killed in Avengers: Infinity War, but she's already been resurrected. Black Widow's death was another surprise, but the character will return to the big screen in a prequel next year!

Iron Man's death in Avengers: Endgame was unexpected and likely to stick, but do you really anticipate Spider-Man being put in mortal danger in his next movie or for The Vision to die again in WandaVision? Who cares if he does at this point, as he'll probably just return again!

This is a trope the comic books are also guilty of, of course, but it's a shame that it's now difficult to watch an MCU movie and be fooled into thinking the stakes are any higher than the last time!


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.