10 Things Marvel Fans Don't Want To Accept About The MCU

3. Continuity Isn't As Important As It Seems

Iron Man Doctor Strange Infinity War
Marvel Studios

For die-hard fans, there's perhaps nothing more important than continuity. After failing to create a shared universe as successful as Marvel's, Warner Bros. has pretty much given up on making sure everything connects in the DC Extended Universe, and fans are quick to remind, well, everyone that there's no one better than Marvel Studios at making continuity matter.

Well, there are tonnes of examples where continuity hasn't mattered. Loki's personality changes from movie to movie, explanations are thrown together to address plot holes at the last-minute (like Thanos having the Infinity Gauntlet three years before he was supposed to), and key plot points are thrown away when it suits.

Gamora was supposedly the last of her race, yet Avengers: Infinity War confirmed that Thanos only wiped out half of her race!

While Marvel Studios may come across as a studio that puts continuity before anything else, that's simply not the case. They do a tremendous job of creating a shared world, of that there's no doubt, but they certainly haven't perfected making sure everything lines up perfectly!


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.