10 Things You Need To Know About Michael Bay's TMNT

2. The Shredder Casting Mystery

One of the biggest rumours doing the rounds at the moment about TMNT is that William Fichtner may not, in fact, be playing Shredder, spurred on by a declaration from producer Andrew Form at the footage preview that Shredder is his own character. This does, of course, contradict Fichtner's own claim that he is playing Shredder, so perhaps this is simply a late-day (and rather vain) attempt to make us believe that Eric Sachs really won't be in the Shredder suit at all... In an interview last year, Fichtner made the remark that "There are guys that become Shredder", implying one of two things: either he will become Shredder over the course of the movie (rather than hopping into the suit early on), or that in future movies, Shredder may simply be a persona that's taken up by other characters, which in essence will give the part a near-infinite life, even if other inhabitants of the suit, such as Sachs, are killed off. But what about Fichtner being signed for three TMNT films? That could either be insurance in case they want to bring him back (assuming he does die in TMNT), or perhaps they'll simply use his voice for Shredder in every movie, because his voice is so bada**. Further confusing things is the suggestion that the original Shredder, Oroku Saki, may actually appear in the movie after all, with Sachs being an apprentice of sorts.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.