10 Things You Need To Know About Michael Bay's TMNT

7. It's More Self-Aware Than You Think

Considering the movie's rough production history and the fact that it's being produced by Michael Bay, it's fair enough to expect Turtles to be a movie with little awareness or sense of humour about itself: just look at the Transformers movies for how that can end up. However, a recent trailer featured one dialogue exchange which gave us sure hope that the movie might be more self-aware than audiences are expecting. April's cameraman Vern Fenwick (Will Arnett) says of the Turtles, "So, they're aliens", to which April snappily replies, "No, that's stupid, they're Turtles." This might seem like an innocuous comic line if you haven't followed the long production of the movie, but if you have, it makes perfect sense. You see, in the original script for TMNT, the Turtles had an alien origin, something that was met with an expectedly acidic response by Turtles fans online, and Bay and co. clearly opted to reference the stupidity of that original creative choice in the final movie, which isn't the sort of humility you'd typically expect from any project Bay has worked on. We can only hope that the rest of the movie is filled with clever dialogue such as this.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.