10 Things You Need To Know About Michael Bay's TMNT

6. Turtle Design Controversy

Even those who like the look of the new TMNT movie will admit that something just seems a little off about the Turtle designs. Ah, that's it, it's the lips. And the noses. And the eyes. Basically, in an attempt to make the Turtles seem more gritty and realistic, they've been "humanised" beyond their more cartoony appearance in, well, the cartoon and previous movies. It's not so much an outright bad move as simply a weird one, as there's not really any logical reason to do this. It didn't take long for the Photoshop army to emerge en masse and produce a brilliant mock-up of how Bay's Turtles really should look, with a wider mouth, wafer-thin lips, a flatter nose and larger, closer together eyes. The alterations were welcomed with near-unanimous praise online, causing most of us to wish that the Turtles' faces could have been fixed in post-production following the negative reaction. We'll just have to embrace these bizarre revisions to the characters if we want to try and enjoy the movie...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.