10 Things You Need To Know About Star Trek 3

1. It'll Be A Fresh Start

Taking into account everything that's come out about Star Trek 3 so far, it sounds like Paramount may as well just up and reboot the whole thing again. The visual style's probably going to be a fair bit different, with Abrams' particular foibles being swapped out for Lin's; the cast will have a different feel, if everybody's soon to be buggering off; the script will be different, too, what with Orci and Kurtzman's departure. It'll feel different, too, in the light of Star Trek Into Darkness. That film made the Starfleet something to be feared, not a benevolent organisation who keeps the universe in check. They're susceptible to evil and corruption. Most of that's been remedied by the end of that film, but still. Star Trek 3 is essentially starting off with a blank slate. There's a new Enterprise. A new Starfleet. New additions to the crew, including Alice Eve's Lieutenant Dr Carol Marcus. A new director. New writers. Pretty much everything is new. Star Trek Into Darkness did well, but it was pretty divisive with fans, critics and audiences alike. Maybe a fresh start is exactly what Star Trek needs at this point. And instead of simply rebooting and starting again, this third film's shifting of gears might be the way to do it. To boldly go somewhere new. Where no franchise has gone before...
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Star Trek 3
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/