10 Things Nobody Wants To See In Indiana Jones 5

2. Adult Short Round

Jonathan Ke Quan Indiana Jones.png
Wikimedia Commons/Paramount Pictures

Crystal Skull admittedly did a solid job bringing back Nancy Allen's Marion Ravenwood and actually making her feel relevant, not to mention one of the most entertaining aspects of the film.

One cast member audiences have been wanting to see back for years is Jonathan Ke Quan, who of course played the hilarious, pint-sized sidekick Short Round in Temple of Doom.

It's a fun idea to fantasise about, albeit one that would probably be terrible in reality: considering that Indy and Shorty presumably haven't seen each other in around 30 years by the time Indy 5 kicks off, a re-pairing would seem majorly forced and convoluted. Not to mention, Quan retired from acting long ago, and his age means that he's going to be a very far cry from the cute scamp we all fell in love with in Temple, so he would probably end up being recast.

How Likely Is It?: It's hard to imagine anyone signing off on something so fan-servicey, and though a brief cameo that doesn't draw attention to itself could work under the right circumstances, there's very little wiggle room for this not to be massively groan-inducing. It's so bad, even the studio probably knows it's a terrible idea. 2/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.