10 Things Nobody Wants To See In Indiana Jones 5

3. Cynical Casting Choices

Chris Pratt Owen Grady Jurassic World

As already mentioned, a younger actor or actress may be needed to help keep things plausibly energetic and action-packed, but at the same time, it's crucial that Paramount thoroughly think through their casting.

For one, we could end up with another unsavoury Shia LaBeouf situation, or we could end up with Spielberg lazily picking whatever "it" actor is hot at the moment, regardless of whether they're actually suited for the part.

Chris Pratt's name has come up frequently in discussions of either Indy's sidekick or a full-on reboot, and though on the surface he ticks a lot of boxes, it would be fairly glib to simply accept the casting without considering whether Pratt fits the tone of this particular script. After all, Pratt was cast in Jurassic World, everyone thought he was a perfect fit for a fun adventure flick, but then his character ended up being fairly dull and serious for the most part, resulting in a shocking bout of miscasting.

As eager as studios will no doubt be to throw the likes of Pratt or Jennifer Lawrence into the mix because it guarantees box office success, it doesn't mean they're going to have chemistry with Ford nor be a snug fit for the story being told.

How Likely Is It?: This one really could go either way. Spielberg is usually spot-on with his casting so we'll take LaBeouf to be a rare misfire, but even if we're optimistic about who gets cast opposite Ford, we won't really know if it totally works until we're sat down and watching Indy 5 in July 2019.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.