10 Things Nobody Wants To See In Indiana Jones 5

8. Indiana Jones, The Grandpa

Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures

Harrison Ford is going to be 76 years old by the time Indy 5 starts shooting, and though Ford looked very much the part in Crystal Skull at 65 years of age, 11 years is going to make a world of difference when it comes to the sort of action-packed tomfoolery the character is known for. It's crucial to remember that, though Ford still looked fantastic in last year's Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the role of Han Solo is decidedly less action-heavy than Indy: he largely cracks quips, pilots the Falcon and occasionally fires a blaster.

We hope that while a fifth film will need to rein in a little of Indy's activity (and there's certainly a few solutions to that which we'll get to momentarily), it doesn't draw overt attention to Indy now being of "grandpa age". Though a quip here or there may be fun, it could end up dominating the film and making the end product feel both sad and desperate.

How Likely Is It?: Ford is notoriously protective of the series and likely wouldn't accept a script that dug in deep on the aging thing, though we should definitely brace ourselves for the possibility of a few wince-inducing one-liners about Indy pushing 80. Expect a combination of stuntmen and clever editing to still keep Indy bada**, even if he'll be decidedly more slowed down than the last time we saw him. 5/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.