10 Things Nobody Wants To See In Indiana Jones 5

7. A Heavy-Handed Time Period

Paramount Pictures
Paramount Pictures

To its credit, even Kingdom of the Crystal Skull managed to mostly engage with its period setting in an enjoyable yet unobtrusive way, where the hallmarks of the era were there but didn't overpower the overall narrative. It seems likely that Indy 5 will take place in the 1960s, which has huge potential given the sheer abundance of happenings in the decade (the Moon landings, the Vietnam War, the counter-cultural upheaval, Woodstock and civil rights etc), but could also end up feeling on-the-nose or silly without the right narrative finesse.

As Crystal Skull writer David Koepp is returning for Indy 5, there's obviously a lot of concern about the script, and though he kept the period references in check last time, it's possible he might be unable to resist the sheer magnitude of the 1960s and risk cluttering up what should be a slick adventure narrative with period trimmings.

How Likely Is It?: This one really could go either way, though hopefully Spielberg's steady hand will ensure that it veers away from making any political statements or going too outlandish with the nods to the era. We don't exactly want to see Indy stumbling onto the fake Moon landing set or conversing with a hippie now, do we? If it is set in the 1960s, hopefully it'll be more subdued, and we trust Spielberg to probably nail this tone as he did even in Crystal Skull. 4/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.