10 Things Nobody Wants To See In Indiana Jones 5

6. Indiana Jones As A One Man Army


While Indy 5 absolutely cannot treat its protagonist as a crotchety, immobile old man, it also can't go the opposite way and try to keep Indy as ferocious and energetic as he was in his earlier days: it would likely require the heavy use of stuntmen to the point of absurdity and/or Indy's opponents looking pathetically weak when they can't even take on a man of Ford's age.

The best solution is simply to give Indy a plucky young-ish sidekick character, perhaps a popular actor in their early 30s who has enough gravitas to hang tight with Ford while helping beef up the action and take some of the heavy lifting away from him. While it would be a tough juggling act to ensure that Indy isn't pushed into the supporting character role, adding an able-bodied sidekick to exchange banter and aid in the a**-kicking is the smartest solution for making Indy look credible at his age.

How Likely Is It?: Though Ford's box office viability is as strong as ever, it still seems extremely unlikely that Indy would have a one-man show at this point in time.

A well-cast sidekick could easily push Indy 5 past the coveted billion-dollar mark as well as leave the franchise open for the younger actor to take over in the future: after all, why have the franchise die with Ford when it can continue in his image for decades more? Solo Indy tearing it up would be a very dumb move for a multitude of reasons. 2/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.