10 Things Nobody Wants To See In Indiana Jones 5

5. Pointless CGI


One of the most vocal issues fans had with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was the abundance of CGI, and bad CGI at that. Everyone points to the terrible-looking CGI prairie dogs at the start of the movie, and though Spielberg originally planned to shoot as much in-camera as possible, both safety and practicality concerns during production meant that the film ultimately had 450 visual effects shots in total.

Now, the original trilogy was no stranger to eccentric visual effects, but coming as they did before the CGI revolution, they were forced to be economic and restricted to sheer necessity. Plus, given how even the barmier effects tended to have a practical basis, they all hold up extremely well: no CGI melting face could match the sheer horror of that practical one in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Given how much CGI dominates even the most modest blockbuster these days, fans are worried that Spielberg will only up the amount of visual effects elements, namely the pointless ones: nobody's particularly mad that the flying saucers, aliens and nuclear explosions were digital effects, but did we really need the damn prairie dogs to be fake?

How Likely Is It?: Though we hope that Spielberg will take the vocal criticisms to heart, not even he can stand up tall against the tide of blockbuster filmmaking, so expect Indy 5 to still be overflowing with superfluous visual effects that stick out like a sore thumb.

He might tone it down a little, but expect garish elements sticking out of the frame as is so commonplace in Hollywood these days. Sorry, folks. 7/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.