10 Things That Happen In Movies That Piss You Off

7. Knocking Someone Out Is No Big Deal

Amelie 2001

If you take cinema's depiction of violence as gospel, then you'll believe that gunshots instantly kill people most of the time (especially if they're bad guys), it's totally safe to be within 20 feet of gigantic explosions, and knocking someone out is no biggie at all.

People get punched and kicked unconscious all the time in action movies, to the point that it's basically distorted humanity's conception of what being knocked out is - most of us having thankfully not experienced it for ourselves.

For starters, hitting someone with enough force to knock them out has a good chance of damaging the attacker's own hands, especially if they don't know how to throw a proper punch.

And so, firing a flurry of fists at your target could break your hand or at least leave it horribly bruised and unusable for a few days.

But for the victim, things are much more dire. Cinema typically shows people waking up from being knocked out with no lasting effects whatsoever, despite the fact that it represents a huge danger in reality.

For starters, if someone punches you out in real life, there's a good chance they're not going to have the courtesy to then cushion your fall, meaning you may simply hit your head on the ground and suffer a potentially fatal head injury.

That's without ignoring the possibility you're hit in the wrong part of your skull and just die instantly from the impact, which is much more common than any movie will ever tell you.

Beyond that, there's the massive risk of brain damage due to hypoxia (a loss of oxygen), and myriad other complications such as the brain swelling due to the impact and putting the victim in a coma.

We could go on forever, but the point is that hitting someone hard enough to render them unconscious isn't the badass frivolity it appears in cinema, and it's also way harder than it looks unless you're specially trained.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.