10 Things The MCU Should Steal From X-Men: The Animated Series

8. Include Plenty Of The X-Men's Leading Women

Rogue Ms Marvel

The good news is that the MCU has so many X-Men to choose from that we're bound to see an awesome lineup on screen.

The bad news is that they could easily sideline female characters to make room the men.

Take a close look at the lineup in X-Men: TAS and you'll notice that the team's gender doesn't skew towards the male side of things. Aside from Professor X, the team had an equal number of men and women, each with agency and well-developed arcs.

Some episodes saw Wolverine as the lone wolf while others followed Jubilee's misadventures. We dove into Rogue and Gambit's pasts; we saw Cyclops and Jean captured. In many episodes, there was no "main" character.

The team always felt like a group - not one or two stars with a supporting cast.

The MCU still has too few female heroes front and center, but they have a chance to correct that by creating a balanced (or even unbalanced) team stacked with female members.


Nick Dauk hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.