10 Things The X-Men Franchise Wishes It Could've Done Differently

1. Fixed The TERRIBLE Accents

X Men Storm

Almost as ridiculous as the series' approach to its timeline is the utterly absurd amount of inconsistent accents on offer. For starters, Halle Berry's Storm had an iffy Kenyan accent in the first movie after which it was quickly dropped, only for Alexandra Shipp to pull it back out in Apocalypse.

Then there's Rogue (Anna Paquin), who started out with a strong Southern accent, only for it to be quickly phased out for the sequels, while the same is also true for William Stryker (Brian Cox), lent a charming drawl by Cox which is almost entirely absent in his prequel appearances.

First Class meanwhile introduces a Magneto who sounds nothing like his older equivalent, with Michael Fassbender slipping into his natural Irish twang in the film's third act.

And finally, Sophie Turner's Jean Grey has one of the least-convincing American accents ever put to film in Apocalypse, though to her credit, she improved it quite a bit for Dark Phoenix.

Again, this speaks to a lack of filmmaking organisation that so many actors switched up their accents throughout these movies, but also, if world-class actors are struggling to keep them up, maybe just let them speak in their natural registers?

In a franchise about superpowered mutants electrocuting toad-men, there are far more questionable things than an accent that deviates from the source material.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.