10 Things To Expect From Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4

8. A Self-Contained Villain

Daredevil Female Thor Iron Man
Marvel Comics

The first three Marvel Phases have of course featured Thanos as their overarching villain (though he wasn't introduced until the very end of Phase 1), and it's widely presumed that he'll be killed off at the Avengers: Infinity War.

Phase 4, then, will need to find a new antagonist, but considering how much of a running joke it's become that Thanos is just waiting in the wings for his moment to shine, it seems unlikely that this formula will simply be repeated for Phases 4-6

Instead, it would probably make sense to introduce smaller villains who exist across movies, but only within a distinct Phase, such as Kraven the Hunter or the Skrull, giving each individual Phase a substantial payoff rather than just concluding abruptly, as Phase 2 did with Ant-Man.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.