10 Things We Learned From Robert Downey Jr On Joe Rogan's Podcast

8. He's A Huge Fan Of Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan Robert Downey
Joe Rogan Experience

At a number of points throughout the podcast, Downey admits to being a fan of Rogan's and even to being an avid watcher of the show.

RDJ loves how Rogan approaches his work and the fact that many of his podcasts have a 'rolling start', with Rogan often coming into the room with a burning desire to talk about topics that have been playing on his mind since he's been off-air.

Downey even admitted that he hoped - when he sat opposite Rogan - that the multi-talented presenter didn't 'see a complete and utter foolish fraud', which very much tickled the host.

It was actually quite endearing to see the mega-star drop his guard and confess to feeling a bit nervous about the prospect of appearing on a podcast he loved so much. Also, you can bet that Rogan was pinching himself at the sight of the Marvel-spearhead questioning whether he would be interesting enough to qualify as a compelling guest on his show.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...