10 Things We Need To See In HBO Harry Potter Series

7. Hermione's Muggle Life

Harry Potter HBO Max
Warner Bros

Hermione Granger is forced to modify her parents' memories at the beginning of the Deathly Hallows to protect them from Voldemort's followers. They are a potential source of information on Harry Potter and are therefore a liability. Hermione's decision to make them believe they are childless is a statement of her dedication to the cause.

They never truly get a strong depiction in either the novels or the film series as most of the action occurs in the wizarding world. That means that a crucial part of Hermione's character is left out of the storytelling, as opposed to the frequent appearances by the Weasley's and the near-constant talk of the Potters.

Hermione is quickly established in the books as the cleverest witch of her age, though she is slightly lacking in the kind of fools-rush-in bravery that Harry often shows. Who was she before she got her letter to Hogwarts? Did she have any friends at school? She never speaks about her life outside of her relationship with Harry and Ron, bar a few light references to her parents' careers or holidays they have gone on together. It would be quite something, everything aside, to explore the reunion as she lifts the memory charm from them - will they take kindly to this abuse of their minds?

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick