10 Things We Want To See In Peter Jackson's Upcoming Beatles Documentary

5. Collaborative Moments Between John And Paul

It was no secret that the Lennon/McCartney partnership was on the rocks at the start of this album. From Lennon's more avant garde experiments with Yoko Ono to McCartney's more workaholic mindset to recording, there were sure to be clashes in direction through the entire recording process. It surely wasn't all bad though.

Even when the songs were linked under the partnership in name only, there were definitely influences crossing between John and Paul's styles. One great example of this is in their harmony work, which would be great to see when combing through some of the filmed recording sessions. This duo may be on the fringes, but the way they come together to deliver their vocals could get the most jaded heart to soften up.

There is also one distinct collaboration between the two on the song "I've Got a Feeling," which was birthed by two separate ideas from each composer much like "A Day In The Life" from Sgt Pepper's was. Sure, the songs may just sound like an impromptu medley, but the moment that the band puts the puzzle pieces together in the studio could be a great way for the movie to turn a corner. According to the lyrics, it may have been a hard year, but the production showed that brighter days may lay ahead.

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