10 Things You Didn't Know About Blood Simple

5. Most Of The Cast And Crew Had Never Even Been On A Film Set Before

Blood Simple Frances McDormand

Other than McDormand, Blood Simple was also the feature film debut for a lot of the cast and crew. This includes the composer, Carter Burwell and cinematographer, Barry Sonnenfield, who went on to become big names in the business, with the latter going on to become a successful film director.

In fact, it was not just most people’s film debut, but the first time they had been on a film set altogether. They were all so inexperienced that on the first day, the cameraman needed help finding the button to turn the camera on.

Sonnenfield discusses how he was so nervous about working on set that he would constantly vomit - Coen said that he threw up around 18 times in the 42 days of filming.


Cameron Mcmurdie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.