10 Things You Didn't Know About George Clooney

3. His Next Prank Could Get Him Arrested

George Clooney's notorious habit of pranking people goes back a long way, beginning back in the early days selling shoes when he would write his name and draw a smiley face on every single pair of shoes he's sold. After a spot of juvenile pranks involving cameras and genitals he's since moved into the pranking big league. While the target of Clooney's pranks are varied, friend and Ocean's franchise co-star Brad Pitt has been on the receiving end of more than his fair share. On one occasion Clooney got a load of fans to gather outside Pitt's window, getting them to shout "George! George!" when he came to the window. Pitt returned the favour by putting out a memo to the Italian crew of a movie insisting he be referred to only as "Danny Ocean" and that no eye contact was allowed. During his latest appearance on the Graham Norton Show, Clooney revealed that the next prank he has lined up for Brad Pitt could land him in serious trouble. "I'm doing one now that I can't tell you about, but in a year you are going to hear I've been arrested€”I'm not kidding, because I think I've crossed the line," At least he's now married to a lawyer.

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.