10 Things You Didn't Know About The Force

1. Shatterpoint

Star Wars Yaddle Force Power

Ending with one final intriguing Force power you more than likely didn't know even existed, Master Yaddle's fellow Jedi Council member Mace Windu also had a little-seen, but incredibly valuable, Force ability in his arsenal.

You see, the the greatest champion of the Jedi Order was actually one of the few people who could sense shatterpoints in this galaxy far, far away.

"What are they?", you ask.

Well, these are those crucial moments throughout history when intervention could have a gigantic impact on the future. But the term also applies to something's (or even someone's) weakness, meaning the user can sense that and whack the precise part of it needed to completely obliterate it.

Windu sensed one of those structural shatterpoints during the Liberty of Ryloth Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode, and also - in the Expanded Universe - identified Count Dooku as a shatterpoint just before the First Battle of Geonosis, one that could have ended the war right there, according to the Matthew Stover's Shatterpoint novel (via ScreenRant).

Darth Sidious was also capable of sensing these vital moments, too, doing exactly that during the Aftermath: Empire's End novel by Chuck Wendig when he felt a shatterpoint (Luke Skywalker) was aboard the Tydirium ship landing on Endor in Return of the Jedi.

Can you imagine being able to sense when a specific moment or person was about to have a monumental impact on both your own life and the world as people know it? That's one hell of a Force flex.

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