10 Things You Didn't Know About The Millennium Falcon

8. Lando Didn't Keep His Promise Not To Scratch It

Millennium Falcon.jpg

Just prior to the Battle of Endor, Han encourages Lando to take the Millennium Falcon for the assault on the Death Star II, but makes sure he has Lando's word that 'she won't get a scratch'. One gigantic space battle later and Lando breaks that promise as he knocks off the Falcon's distinctive satellite dish flying out of an exploding Death Star. Given that everyone involved almost died, Lando can probably be forgiven failing to take perfect care of Han's baby.

The Force Awakens provides a much-celebrated moment of fan service when the Millennium Falcon proves to have a replacement satellite dish, rectangular instead of the original's circular. The replacement is a standard version of the YT-1300 (the falcon's base model) dish, replacing the souped-up military-grade one Han installed.

Whether there's even any original YT-1300 in the Falcon at all is a matter for conjecture, given how tricking it out with new modifications seems to be a galactic pastime.

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Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.